Sunday, June 28, 2009


Have you ever hurt so bad and you couldn't touch the pain?
No matter how you tried to subdue it was something you couldn't contain?
Did it hurt so deep inside, til nothing could take it away?
Did it make you want to cry and regret seeing the next day?
Have you loved with all you had, til there was nothing left to give?
Did it take all you had inside til you felt no reason to live?
When it burned like an inferno could anything quench the fire?
To ditch out the pain you were given, was that your hearts only desire?
Was the desire there so strong til everything you touched was burned?
To know not to give love so much, was a lesson your heart never learned?
Until you tame it never to wonder and perhaps feel nothing again?
You'll forever be consumed in your fire and burn in the inferno of pain!


  1. I loved your poetry and there is more where that came from. I plan on following you so hopefully you will keep me busy...Come by and check me out and hopefully you like what you read...

  2. your poetry is good, you should really keep posting more often
